Breathwork has really improved many aspects of my life and I’m thankful for that. Thank you Matt! I’m looking forward to expanding on my practice
— Rebecca (ex national level squash player)

Efficient breathing is fundamental to effective performance - whether that be on a squash court, at work, or in any other challenging or stressful situation.

Drawing from my 15+ years practice of yoga breathing techniques as well as my training in the Oxygen Advantage® system of breath training, I support my clients to improve how they breathe through application of various techniques that can be incorporated into their day to day lives and existing training or exercise programmes.

These techniques improve both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning for better athletic performance, and support stress and anxiety management, better sleep and more efficient recovery.

Benefits of breath training include:

  • Improved aerobic and anaerobic conditioning

  • More efficient delivery of oxygen to tissues and cells

  • Increased respiratory muscle strength

  • Improved core strength and movement efficiency

  • Nervous system regulation (up-regulation and down-regulation)

  • Improved mental focus

  • Stress and anxiety management

  • Emotional regulation

  • Accessing flow state

  • Improved sleep, wellbeing and recovery