How Long Should You Hold A Stretch For?

This week I was asked a great question:

"How long should I hold a stretch for?"

And as with many things in life, the answer is - 'it depends'.

If you're looking to increase range and flexibility in a given muscle (or muscle group), then you'll want to hold the stretch for 90-120 seconds.

However, if you're simply looking to maintain range, then 30-40 seconds will suffice

Either way, as I explain in this video, you'll want to incorporate strength building components into your flexibility training, rather than simply relying on passive stretches alone. 

This ensures that we develop strength through range across both sides of a given joint - meaning we can actively 'own' and apply force through that range. A much better strategy for functional application and movement. 

In the video above I use isometric loading as an example of how to incorporate strength building elements into a stretching practice - but there are a range of other techniques that we can also apply for this purpose. 

So - if you've ever wanted to know how long to hold your stretches for, I hope this helps to answer the question.

And if you want further support to improve your flexibility and or reach your mobility goals then don't hesitate to get in touch or head over to the Yogathletic app for a range guided practices....there's a 7 day free trial and you can cancel  at any time.