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Please join me on TUESDAY 17th MARCH at 7.30pm UK TIME for a live 1 hour online class via Zoom.

To register for the class please click the button below.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the session.

Please log in from 19:15 so that we can start promptly (given it's the 1st of these classes there may be a few tech challenges to iron out before we begin!!).

Also, when you log in please:

  1. turn off your video and audio (bottom left hand corner)

  2. click on my video to 'pin' my video

I'm hoping that these classes will become a regular fixture and that I'll be able to offer more of them over the coming weeks. Initially at least, they will be on a donation basis - the suggested donation is £10 but please just pay what you feel you can afford right now.

Payments can either be sent via PayPal to or via bank transfer to the details below:

Account number: 64337860
Sort code: 77-91-18

Again, if doesn't feel possible for you to make any donation right now, please do still join the class... the main thing is for us to continue enjoying our yoga practice and to begin fostering a sense of community.

So we'll see how it goes and move forward from there...I really hope you'll be able to join (and send feedback :))