10 Fun Facts About the Breath

breathing practice

The power of the breath is endlessly fascinating (to me at least) - here are 10 facts to prove it!

  1. When we breathe IN we stimulate sympathetic 'fight or flight' response and increase heart rate - when we exhale the opposite happens (which is why lengthening the out-breath can be beneficial for stress management, immune system function etc.)

  2. The vagus nerve (the main driver of parasympathetic rest and digest response) passes through the diaphragm - correct activation of the diaphragm therefore helps to improve vagal tone (function and conditioning of the vagal nerve)

  3. Research suggests that breathing through the left nostril is another way in which we can further stimulate parasympathetic response

  4. Each nostril is linked to the opposite hemisphere of the brain - i.e. left nostril breathing increases blood flow to the right side of the brain (stimulating creative thinking, intuition etc.) whilst right nostril breathing increases blood flow to the left side (stimulating analytical thinking etc.)

  5. Our stimulus to breathe is triggered by build up of carbon dioxide vs. 'low' oxygen levels (blood oxygenation tends to sit a 95%+ in healthy individuals)

  6. Similarly, efficient delivery of oxygen to cells and muscles depends on sufficient 'pressure' of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream (which is why soft light breaths > big breaths)

  7. Humming increases production of nasal nitric oxygen which lowers blood pressure, facilitates oxygen uptake and supports immune system function

  8. The literal translation of 'pranayama' (yogic breathing exercises) is 'restraint of life force' ('prana' is said to be carried on the breath)

  9. By practising breath retentions we can simulate the effects of altitude training by encouraging the spleen to release more red blood cells into the bloodstream

  10. Breathing is the only automatic function within the body that we can directly override with conscious control

So there you have it…you’re ready for Mastermind!

And if you’d like to dive deep into all things breath related and expand your practice of breathwork and pranayama please do check out my upcoming ‘Breath Better to Live Better’ immersion starting on Friday 4th February.