How Breath Training Can Improve Squash Performance

Breath training - often described as the ‘new frontier’ of athletic performance - is becoming increasingly high profile, with many professional athletes such Erling Haaland and Iga Switek embracing science-backed techniques to improve their performance. In the squash world too, players such as Amanda Sobhy and Victor Crouin are reaping the benefits of incorporating breath training into their routines. But what ARE the benefits of breath training, and how can it improve your performance on court? Read on to find out more and for some practical tips to get you started…

Please note that breath training (in particular breath holds) should not be undertaken when pregnant or if you suffer from high blood pressure. If in doubt consult your doctor before attempting any of the below techniques.

1. Breath Training improves aerobic performance

Our lungs are the ‘engine’ of athletic performance - their function is to draw oxygen into our body to fuel our muscles and cells whilst also expelling waste products.

It is therefore critical that we breathe as efficiently as possible to optimise oxygen delivery - unfortunately however breathing pattern disorders are highly prevalent, even within athletic populations, risking premature breathlessness, muscle fatigue and sub-optimal performance (Chapman, et. al, 2016).

Functional breathing patterns also play an important role in posture and spinal stabilisation by creating intra-abdominal pressure - where breathing disorders are present, functional movement capacity is adversely affected and the risk of injury is increased. 

Breath training optimises breathing biomechanics, and also ensures that we’re able to increase our tolerance to carbon dioxide - whilst CO2 is often considered to be simply a waste product, it actually plays an important role in facilitating the release of oxygen from haemoglobin to our cells. If we’re offloading too much CO2, the efficiency of that release becomes compromised.

How can you start?

The simplest way to start is by ensuring that you’re breathing through your nose AT ALL TIMES when training at sub maximal intensity (i.e. HR zones 1- 3). It won’t be easy, especially at first, but it’s worth it…a 2018 study of recreational runners indicated that nasal breathing is 22% more efficient than mouth breathing! (Dallam, 2018)

2. Breath Training improves anaerobic conditioning

Of course, when we play squash, we regularly exceed our aerobic threshold and tap into our anaerobic energy system. 

Hypoxic (low oxygen) / hypercapnic (high CO2) breath hold training improves anaerobic conditioning by exposing our body to increased blood acidosis.

Breathing against the resistance of a dumbbell increases respiratory muscle strength

In turn our body adapts by improving lactate tolerance and our ability to buffer excess hydrogen ions (responsible for the ‘burning’ sensation in our muscles when they start to fatigue at high intensities) - in turn improving our endurance and rate of recovery.

Indeed, a 2018 study of national level rugby players found that players practising breath holds after exhalation twice a week increased their repeat sprintability capacity by 64% vs. a marginal 6% increase for the control group (Fornasier-Santos et. al, 2018).

This type of training can be particularly useful when you’re recovering from injury and want to prevent loss of anaerobic conditioning - or simply when you want to expose your body to a hypoxic / hypercapnic state without putting too much stress into the musculoskeletal system.

How can you start?

Breath hold training can be very intense and is best taken under guidance from an experienced breath coach. However, a simple way to begin is by introducing breath holds into runs or walks. Start small with 5 x holds (after exhalation) of 5 - 10 paces with c.30s in between holds. Then repeat with a higher number of paces for each hold (e.g. 20 - 25…or more!) and longer breaks between rounds - it should feel challenging but not too extreme. It’s important to return to nasal breathing after each round to maintain the hypoxic / hypercapnic effect.

3. Breath Training increases respiratory muscle strength

When our respiratory muscles tire, our body redirects blood flow from our legs to our breathing muscles (as they are deemed a ‘higher priority’) - this reduction in blood flow (known as ‘blood stealing’) causes fatigue and negatively impacts athletic performance. 

Functional (nasal) breathing, as well as specific exercises to increase respiratory muscle strength, can help to mitigate against this metaboreflex by ensuring that we don’t need to breathe as ‘hard’ for a given level of exercise intensity, reducing respiratory muscle fatigue.

Training with a Sports Mask creates resistance to airflow and increases tolerance to carbon dioxide

Furthermore, as I’ve already mentioned above, our respiratory muscles - in particular the diaphragm - play an important role in core stabilisation. Therefore when we strengthen those muscles we can develop greater core stability, improving movement efficiency and helping to mitigate against the risk of injury.

How can you start?

As when training any muscle, to increase respiratory muscle strength we need to introduce increased resistance or load for the muscles to overcome. Nasal breathing is a good start as it creates greater resistance to air flow vs. mouth breathing. To take it a step further, you can explore single nostril breathing e.g. during recovery from intense exercise (between ghosting sets is the perfect opportunity). You could also try out a Sports Mask - though be warned it’s pretty intense!

4. Breath Training regulates the nervous system

Each cycle of the breath is linked to our autonomic nervous system -  with each inhalation we stimulate our ‘fight or flight’ sympathetic response, increasing our heart rate, whilst each exhalation does the opposite by stimulating our ‘rest and digest’ parasympathetic response and lowering our heart rate.

Therefore by manipulating the breath we are able to directly influence our nervous system - calming ourselves when we feel agitated or using the breath to help us get ‘in the zone’ when we need to (see below). 

In this way breath training techniques can be powerful tools to help combat stress and anxiety and maintain nervous system balance so that you’ll be at your peak when going into your game. They will also support effective rest, recovery and down-regulation after a hard training session or match.

How can you start?

If you’re feeling anxious or nervous, a simple technique is to lengthen your exhalation, thus exacerbating the calming effects of parasympathetic nervous system stimulation. Begin by establishing a light breath in and out of your nose, and then start to extend the outbreath so that it’s longer than the inhalation (e.g. breath in for 3 or 4 seconds, exhale for 5 or 6 seconds). When lying on your back, this technique is also helpful for down regulation and recovery after training or a hard match.

5. Breath Training focuses the mind

Mental focus is as much of a skill as perfecting your backhand drop. Unfortunately however, we spend most of our lives in a state of distraction (hello, social media) meaning that we are actually training our brains for a lack of focus.

Breath training is a great opportunity to counter the effects of the multiple distractions we are subjected to on a daily basis by improving mental focus - like any aspect of our nervous system the brain will respond and adapt to this training stimulus over time (a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity), helping you to be mentally sharper and more alert on court.

How can you start?

Simply paying attention to your breath as you practise any of the techniques above is a good start (don’t worry if your mind wanders - just start again!). Practising breath holds is a particularly good opportunity to bring your mind into focus. Try 2 x small breath holds (e.g. 5 - 10 seconds) from a seated or reclining position followed by 5 x strong breath holds (30 - 60 seconds with c. 60 seconds between rounds) - this is a great practice to take 5 - 10 minutes before you go on court to get in the zone (there are physiological benefits to this practice too but that’s a post for another day!)

So ends this summary of some of the key benefits that breath training can bring to improve your performance on the squash court (there are more!).

As a trained Oxygen Advantage® breath coach I can support you in harnessing the power of breath training for the significant benefits that it can offer your squash game - so if you’re looking to introduce some of these approaches and techniques into your training, or would simply like to understand more about them, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

10 Fun Facts About the Breath

breathing practice

The power of the breath is endlessly fascinating (to me at least) - here are 10 facts to prove it!

  1. When we breathe IN we stimulate sympathetic 'fight or flight' response and increase heart rate - when we exhale the opposite happens (which is why lengthening the out-breath can be beneficial for stress management, immune system function etc.)

  2. The vagus nerve (the main driver of parasympathetic rest and digest response) passes through the diaphragm - correct activation of the diaphragm therefore helps to improve vagal tone (function and conditioning of the vagal nerve)

  3. Research suggests that breathing through the left nostril is another way in which we can further stimulate parasympathetic response

  4. Each nostril is linked to the opposite hemisphere of the brain - i.e. left nostril breathing increases blood flow to the right side of the brain (stimulating creative thinking, intuition etc.) whilst right nostril breathing increases blood flow to the left side (stimulating analytical thinking etc.)

  5. Our stimulus to breathe is triggered by build up of carbon dioxide vs. 'low' oxygen levels (blood oxygenation tends to sit a 95%+ in healthy individuals)

  6. Similarly, efficient delivery of oxygen to cells and muscles depends on sufficient 'pressure' of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream (which is why soft light breaths > big breaths)

  7. Humming increases production of nasal nitric oxygen which lowers blood pressure, facilitates oxygen uptake and supports immune system function

  8. The literal translation of 'pranayama' (yogic breathing exercises) is 'restraint of life force' ('prana' is said to be carried on the breath)

  9. By practising breath retentions we can simulate the effects of altitude training by encouraging the spleen to release more red blood cells into the bloodstream

  10. Breathing is the only automatic function within the body that we can directly override with conscious control

So there you have it…you’re ready for Mastermind!

And if you’d like to dive deep into all things breath related and expand your practice of breathwork and pranayama please do check out my upcoming ‘Breath Better to Live Better’ immersion starting on Friday 4th February.

5 reasons to begin a regular breathwork + pranayama practice

Once seen as a somewhat esoteric ‘out-there’ practice, breathwork is now becoming increasingly mainstream. Fuelled by the success of books such as James Nestor’s ‘Breath’ and Patrick McKeown’s ‘The Oxygen Advantage’ breathing practises now sit at the heart of many athletic training programs and holistic wellness regimes.

5 reasons to begin a regular breathwork and pranayama

However, long before it became fashionable, breath manipulation (or pranayama) was a central component of yoga practice. Indeed, yogis have expertly harnessed the power of the breath for 1000s of years and many descriptions of the physical, mental and ‘energetic’ effects of these pranayama techniques align to modern scientific understanding of the body, brain and nervous system.

So here are 5 reasons why you should also be investing more time practising breathing exercises…also do check out my 4 week online breathwork + pranayama immersion in which we’ll dive into the magic of the breath in much greater detail.

1. It helps us to manage our response to stress

The breath can provide us with a number of very simple ‘hacks’ to rebalance our nervous system and bring us back to centre when we’re feeling stressed out.

Nasal breathing, softening the inhalation, lengthening the exhalation, humming, retentions - all of these techniques (when applied correctly) can help to stimulate our rest and digest response and counter the effects of feeling overwhelmed or anxious. 

You can find 3 simple tips for breathing in ways designed to aid stress management in this blog post.

2. It can improve athletic performance

By improving breathing mechanics and our tolerance to carbon dioxide, we’re able to strengthen respiratory muscles, deliver oxygen more efficiently to muscles and even increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood…all of which will have a significant impact on athletic performance.

I dive into the science of how and why this works in much further detail here - and also outline a number of breathing techniques  for improving sporting performance.

3. It can help to improve flexibility and mobility

When we breathe in ways designed to stimulate parasympathetic rest and digest response it relaxes the body and decreases muscle tone…which will then help us to find a greater sense of ease when taking deep stretches.

We can also apply specific breathing techniques when exploring twists, side bends, forward folds and back bends to help us to access greater ranges of movement.

One very simple technique that can help us to work deeper into twists is to inhale into the side of the ribcage that you’re twisting towards and then exhale to the opposite side of the body (e.g. if you’re twisting to the right inhale to the right side of the ribcage and exhale to the left).

This will ‘open up’ the ribs on the leading side of the body (i.e. the right side) and ‘close’ the ribs on the left side - both of which helps us to find a greater degree of rotation. Give it a go and see how you get on…you might find you’re able to access a significantly deeper twist. 

4.  It improves immune system function, sleep and overall well-being

Most of us spend a great deal of our lives feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated and this can lead to a number of dysfunctional breathing patterns that further chronically stress our system.

Conscious breathing techniques that stimulate a shift into parasympathetic nervous system ‘rest and digest’ response can therefore provide a much needed energetic counterpoint to the stresses and strains of life, with many proven benefits: 

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved mental health and wellbeing

  • Improved immune system response

  • Enhanced memory and cognitive abilities

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Improved Heart Rate Variability (a key indicator of nervous system health)

  • Improved ability to recover from the exertions of exercise

5. It improves focus and attention

The breath sits at the heart of many meditation practices, providing an ‘anchor point’ for our awareness and attention and shifting our focus away from rumination about the past or anxiety about the future (we can only ever breathe in the present!). 

Indeed, by harnessing the power of attention in this way we can actually ‘remould’ the shape of our brains (neuroplasticity) and neuroscience research has measured a number of profound effects of these practices including changes in brainwave activity that encourage a ‘relaxed’ state of mind, promote a positive mental attitude, improve creativity and memory function and increase mental resilience.

So there we have 5 compelling reasons to commit to a regular conscious breathing practice. And if you’re curious about breathwork and pranayama and you’d like to learn more then definitely do check out my 4 week online immersion.

We’ll dive into both the theory and practice of breathing exercises, providing you with a solid foundation from which to continue to explore and deepen your practice. You can find out more here, or to book your space, simply drop me an email.