Podcast Interview with Squash Mind Podcast

I was lucky enough to chat with Jesse Engelbrecht from the Squash Mind podcast recently about the benefits of yoga, breath training and mobility training for squash players.

It was an enjoyable and wide ranging discussion and we covered several practical tips and takeaways that you can quickly integrate into your game and training to improve your athletic performance on the squash court.

You can listen on the below link - I hope you enjoy it!


And if you’d like to learn more about how these modalities can help to improve performance - either for yourself or the players that you coach - then please do get in touch.

Preventing + Managing Stress: WHY WE MOVE Podcast Interview

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed for the ‘WHY WE MOVE"‘ podcast by my friends over at So We Flow…

The main subject for our discussion was 'Preventing + Managing Stress' - though we also covered many other yoga and movement related topics too.

It was a fun discussion - I enjoyed it a lot and I hope you get something out of it too…you can listen via one of the below links.

Listen on YouTube
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Apple Podcasts